Table 2

Primary antibodies used for immunohistochemistry

AntigenClone*SupplierAntigen retrievalDilution†Against
CD20L26Dako, Glostrup, DenmarkLow pH‡ PT1:1200
1:600 (IF)
B cells
CD41F6Novocastra§, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UKLow pH‡ PT1:50T-helper cells
CD11c5D11Novocastra§Low pH‡ PT1:100Macrophages and myeloid dendritic cells
CD68PG-M1DakoLow pH‡ PT1:500Monocytes and macrophages
CD211F8DakoLow pH¶ PC1:100Follicular dendritic cells
BDCA-2104C12.08Dendritics, Lyon, FranceLow pH** PC1:50Plasmacytoid dendritic cells
Multi-CytokeratinAE1/AE3Novocastra§Low pH‡ PT1:300
1:150 (IF)
Epithelial cells
Ki-67Rabbit polyclonalBiocare Medical, Concord, CA, USALow pH** PC1:200Cell proliferation
Langerin (CD207)12D6Novocastra§Low pH‡ PT1:100
1:80 (IF)
Langerhans-like dendritic cells
PodoplaninD2–40Biocare MedicalLow pH** PC1:100Lymphatic endothelium
α-Smooth muscle actin1A4Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USALow pH** PC1:1000Smooth muscle cells
  • *Mouse monoclonal antibodies unless otherwise stated.

  • †Working dilution for bright field staining, unless otherwise stated.

  • ‡EnVision FLEX Target Retrieval Solution, pH 6.1, K8005, Dako.

  • §Distributed by Leica Biosystems Newcastle, UK.

  • ¶S1700, pH 6.1, Dako.

  • **DIVA Decloaker, pH 6, DV2004 MX, Biocare Medical.

  • IF, immunofluorescence; PC, pressure cook, 2100 Retriever, Prestige Medical Ltd., Blackburn, England; PT, pre-treatment module, Dako, Glostrup, Denmark.