Table 4

Relationship between maternal prepregnancy fat mass (kg) and exhaled nitric oxide and lung function in the offspring at age 6 years

Unadjusted analysisModel 1Model 2
Beta(95% CI)p Valuenβ(95% CI)p Valuenβ(95% CI)p Valuen
FEV1 z-score0.0349(−0.0413 to 0.1111)0.377930.0274(−0.0476 to 0.1025)0.477930.0230(−0.0555 to 0.1015)0.56784
FVC z-score0.0433(−0.0439 to 0.1306)0.337930.0301(−0.0586 to 0.1188)0.57650.0301(−0.0586 to 0.1188)0.5765
FEF25–75% z-score0.0163(−0.0796 to 0.1122)0.747930.0181(−0.0775 to 0.1137)0.717930.0071(−0.0886 to 0.1028)0.88793
FEV1/FVC z-score−0.0190(−0.1043 to 0.0663)0.66793−0.0130(−0.0998 to 0.0739)0.77765−0.0130(−0.0998 to 0.0739)0.77765
Exhaled nitric oxide−0.0575(−0.1667 to 0.0517)0.30482−0.0908(−0.2018 to 0.0203)0.11477−0.0908(−0.2018 to 0.0203)0.11477
Model 3Model 4
FEV1 z-score0.0115(−0.0702 to 0.0932)0.787210.0122(−0.0684 to 0.0928)0.76784
FVC z-score0.0287(−0.0625 to 0.1199)0.547130.0001(−0.0913 to 0.0916)0.99765
FEF25–75% z-score−0.0035(−0.1031 to 0.0961)0.947250.0160(−0.0829 to 0.1149)0.75793
FEV1/FVC z-score−0.0293(−0.1181 to 0.0594)0.517130.0055(−0.0846 to 0.0956)0.9765
Exhaled nitric oxide−0.0989(−0.2152 to 0.0174)0.09434−0.0889(−0.2029 to 0.0250)0.12477
  • Regression coefficient represents change in outcome per 10 kg of maternal prepregnancy fat mass.

  • Model 1 Adjusted for potential confounders significantly associated with the outcome, excluding child's birth weight and gestation.

  • FEV1-child's gender; FVC-maternal smoking in pregnancy and rhinitis, and child's gender; FEF25–75%-maternal parity and child's gender; FEV1/FVC-maternal rhinitis, eczema, smoking in pregnancy and parity; eNO-maternal height, asthma and eczema.

  • Model 2 adjusted for potential confounders significantly associated with the outcome, including child's birth weight and gestation.

  • FEV1-maternal height, and child's gender and birth weight; FVC-maternal smoking in pregnancy and rhinitis, and child's gender; FEF25–75%-maternal parity and child's gender and gestation; FEV1/FVC-maternal rhinitis, eczema, smoking in pregnancy and parity; eNO-maternal height, asthma and eczema.

  • Model 3 adjusted for increase in adiposity between birth and 6 months and potential confounders significantly associated with the outcome including child's birth weight and gestation (listed in Model 2).

  • Model 4 adjusted for child's BMI at age 6 years and potential confounders significantly associated with the outcome including child's birth weight and gestation (listed in Model 2).

  • BMI, body mass index.