Table 2

End of treatment polysomnography data

CharacteristicCPAP (mean±SEM)Placebo (mean±SEM)p Value
Sleep apnoea
 AHI (events/h)6.9±2.140.0±5.0<0.00001
 ODI (events/h)5.2±1.938.7±4.1<0.00001
 SaO2-T90 (%TST)1.0±0.49.7±2.2<0.0005
 Min SaO2 (%)89±1.478±1.6<0.00001
 Treatment compliance (h/night)4.4±2.23.4±2.3<0.05
  • AHI, Apnoea Hypopnoea Index; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; ESS, Epworth sleepiness score; Min SaO2, minimum arterial oxygen saturation; ODI, Oxygen Desaturation Index; SaO2-T90 (%TST), percentage of total sleep time spent with arterial oxygen saturation less than 90%.