Abstract S3 Table 1

Self-reported work performance, physical activity and current work exposures in a general population of adults aged 51–60 in full time employment (n=1773), stratified by sex and airflow obstruction

Men (n=1101) n, %Women (n=672) n, %p Value
Poor work performance112 (10.4)54 (8.2)0.128
High level of physical activity at work496 (46.1)227 (34.6)<0.001
Airflow obstruction*77 (7.3)25 (3.9)0.004
Health will limit ability to work568 (52.1)271 (40.7)<0.001
Airflow obstruction* n, %p ValueAirflow obstruction* n, %p Value
Yes (n=77)No (n=977)Yes (n=25)No (n=617)
Poor work performance13 (16.9)90 (9.4)0.0355 (20.0)48 (7.9)0.032
Poor work performance and high level of physical activity at work11(30.6)58 (13.4)0.0053 (23.1)15 (7.5)0.084
Health will limit ability to work50 (64.9)495(51.2)0.02016 (64.0)9 (36.0)0.016
  • * Post-bronchodilator FEV1 <80% predicted and FEV1/FVC ratio <0.7.