Table 4

Contribution of fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) and Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) to algorithm decisions

Δ ACQ ≥+0.5Δ ACQ <+0.5
ΔFENO >+10 ppb and >10%OCS↑OCS↓
36 (3.5%)*128 (12.5%)*
ΔFENO >+10 ppb and ≤10%No change in OCSOCS↓
1 (0.1%)*3 (0.3%)*
−10 ≤ΔFENO ≤+10 ppbNo change in OCSOCS↓
105 (10.3%)*621 (60.7%)*
ΔFENO <−10 ppbOCS↓OCS↓
22 (2.2%)*107 (10.5%)*
  • * Number of observed decisions (and their relative percentage to the total number of interventions) corresponding to the different algorithm possibilities in the internet management group over a 6-month period.

  • ΔACQ, difference in Asthma Control Questionnaire scores between 2 weeks; ΔFENO, difference in mean fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (in parts per billion) between 2 weeks; ↑OCS, increase in prednisone dose by one step; ↓OCS, decrease in prednisone dose by one dose step.