Table 2

Baseline characteristics of subjects in the intention-to-treat population

Patient characteristicInternet group (n=51)Conventional management group (n=38)
Age (years)48.5 (±12.4)52.4 (±11.7)
Male sex, n (% total n)23 (45)18 (47)
Body mass index28.3 (±5.4)30 (±8.8)
Atopy, n (% total n)23 (45)19 (50)
Age of asthma onset (years)26 (4–42)24.5 (3–40)
Duration of daily OCS use (months)36 (12–132)46 (12–120)
Dose of prednisone (mg/day)10 (5–15)10 (5–15)
Dose of ICS (μg/day)*1250 (750–1500)1000 (750–1500)
Never smokers, n (% total n)30 (58.8)21 (55.3)
Pack-years (only ever smokers)3 (3.1–9.7)5 (3.6–12)
Pre-bronchodilator FEV1
 Litres2.52 (±1.02)2.40 (±1.42)
 % Predicted76.3 (±24.7)71.3 (±21)
Change in FEV1 after β2 (%)7.2 (1.3–13.5)8.5 (3.1–18)
Pre-bronchodilator FVC
 Litres3.24 (±1.5)3.58 (±0.9)
 % Predicted113 (±11.1)94 (±15.5)
FEV1/FVC ratio0.63 (±0.18)0.69 (±0.49)
Exhaled nitric oxide (ppb)38 (18–81)34 (13–75)
Juniper ACQ score2.2 (±1.11)2.5 (±0.95)
Juniper AQLQ score§5.0 (±1.06)4.6 (±1.18)
  • Data are presented as median (25–75th percentile) or mean±SD unlessotherwise stated.

  • Atopy is defined as at least one positive radioallergosorbent test for common aeroallergens.

  • All p values are >0.05.

  • * The doses of all ICS were converted to the equivalent dose of fluticasone.

  • FEV1, FVC and exhaled nitric oxide measured at study baseline visit.

  • The Juniper Asthma Control Questionnaire score ranges from 0 to 7, with higher scores indicating worse control.

  • § The Juniper Quality of Life Questionnaire score ranges from 1 to 7, with higher scores indicating better quality of life.

  • ACQ, Asthma Control Questionnaire; AQLQ, Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity; ICS, inhaled corticosteroids; OCS, oral corticosteroids; ppb, parts per billion.