Table 2

Risk of bias assessment and fracture outcomes in RCTs of inhaled corticosteroids in COPD

SourceSequence generationAllocation concealmentAE monitoring*Drug (n)Fracture eventsDiscontinued, n (%)Loss to follow-up, n (%)
Anzueto SCO100250, 2009w1 w16Adequate, centrally generated blockAdequateAEs and SAEs recorded after study medication but no later than last date after study medicationSFC (394)3125 (32)6 (1.5)
Sal (403)0156 (39)12 (3)
Burge FLTB3054, 2000w2 w17Adequate, computer generatedAdequateAEs and SAEs recorded throughout the studyFlu (n=376)4160 (43)16 (4.3)
Placebo (n=375)7195 (53)18 (4.9)
Calverley SFCB3024, 2003w3 w18Adequate, computer generatedAdequateAEs or SAEs occurring during treatmentSFC (358)389 (25)8 (2.2)
Sal (372)0119 (32)8 (2.2)
Flu (374)2108 (29)8 (2.1)
Placebo (361)1140 (39)6 (1.7)
Calverley SCO30003, 2007w4 w19Adequate, central allocationAdequateAEs reviewed at each visit. Prospectively specified data capture for fracture events and site of fractureSFC (1546)78522 (34)29 (1.9)
Sal (1542)61561 (37)15 (1.0)
Flu (1552)65587 (38)24 (1.6)
Placebo (1544)57673 (44)21 (1.4)
Ferguson SCO40043, 2008w5 w20UnclearUnclearAEs collected at start and endSFC (394)3117 (30)10 (2.5)
Sal (388)3149 (38)10 (2.6)
FLTA 3025, 2005w6UnclearUnclearAEs and SAEs recorded at each visitFlu (434)3147 (34)NA
Placebo (206)079 (38)NA
Hanania SFCA3007, 2003w7 w21UnclearUnclearAE reporting at each visitSFC (178)153 (30)NA
Sal (177)057 (32)NA
Flu (183)049 (27)NA
Placebo (185)159 (32)NA
Johnell, 20026 w22UnclearUnclearSpine x-rays on 653 patients at beginning and end of trialBud (322)5NA0
Placebo (331)3NA0
Kardos SCO30006, 2007w8 w23Adequate, centrally generatedAdequateAEs and SAEs recorded during run in and follow-upSFC (507)199 (20)4 (0.8)
Sal (487)1103 (21)3 (0.6)
Mahler SFCA3006, 2002w9 w24UnclearUnclearAEs and SAEs documentedSFC (165)052 (32)NA
Sal (160)045 (28)NA
Flu (168)168 (41)NA
Placebo (181)069 (38)NA
Paggiaro FLIT97, 1998w10 w25Adequate, computer generatedAdequateAE defined as untoward medical occurrence during treatmentFlu (142)119 (13)0
Placebo (139)027 (19)2 (1.4)
SCO100470, 2006w11UnclearUnclearAEs and SAEs recorded at each study visitSFC (518)159 (11)NA
Sal (532)074 (14)NA
SCO40041, 2008w12UnclearUnclearOn therapy AEs and SAEs monitoredSFC (92)136 (39)NA
Sal (94)139 (42)NA
SFCT 01/SCO30002, 2005w13UnclearUnclearAll AEs occurring after subject consent until end of follow-upFlu (131)134 (26)NA
Placebo (125)040 (32)NA
Tashkin, 2008w14Computer generated in each centreUnclearAEs checked at each clinic visit, and during the final follow-up telephone callBud/For(845)1125 (15)13 (1.5)
Bud (275)163 (23)4 (1.5)
For (284)161 (22)1 (0.4)
Placebo (300)077 (26)7 (2.3)
Wouters SCO40002, 2005w15 w26AdequateAdequateAE collected at start and end of treatmentSFC (189)534 (18)0
Sal (184)546 (25)0
  • * All RCTs were double-blinded.

  • AE, adverse event; Bud, budesonide; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Flu, fluticasone propionate; For, formoterol; For/Bud, combination of formoterol and budesonide; NA, not available; RCT, randomised controlled trial; SAE, serious adverse event; Sal, salmeterol xinafoate; SFC, combination of salmeterol and fluticasone.