Abstract P162 Table 1
MDR TB n=9Drug sensitive TB n=17p-Value
Median (range)Median (range)
Inpatient total stay (days)9 (0, 85)0 (0, 58)0.09
Number outpatient attendances20 (11, 38)8 (2, 34)0.007
Number of anti-tuberculosis drugs5 (4, 7)4 (3,4)<0.001
Duration of treatment (months)19 (16, 24)6 (6,15)0.001
Full blood count17 (1, 33)5 (0, 39)0.01
Liver function tests25 (6, 38)7 (1, 37)0.001
C reactive protein19 (0, 31)5 (1, 36)0.05
Sputum Acid Fast Bacilli3 (0, 21)0 (0, 17)0.12
x-Ray chest6 (1, 9)2 (1, 9)0.01
CT chest0 (0, 1)0 (0, 3)0.47