Table 5

Sputum phenotype at loss of control (LOC) or 28 days after steroid withdrawal and after fluticasone 1000 μg daily for 28+ days

Phenotype at LOC or 28 days after steroid withdrawalPhenotype after fluticasone 1000 μg daily for 28+ days
Eosinophilic63 (67%)32 (51%)22 (35%)2 (3%)2 (3%)5 (8%)
Paucigranulocytic29 (31%)4 (14%)21 (72%)0 (0%)3 (10%)1 (3%)
Mixed2 (2%)1 (50%)0 (0%)1 (50%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Neutrophilic0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
All94 (100%)37 (39%)43 (46%)3 (3%)5 (5%)6 (6%)
  • Results expressed as n (%).

  • Eosinophilic: eosinophils ≥2%, neutrophils <61%; Paucigranulocytic: eosinophils <2%, neutrophils <61%; Mixed: eosinophils ≥2%, neutrophils ≥61%; Neutrophilic: eosinophils <2%, neutrophils ≥61%; NA, sputum sample not available after trial of steroid.