Table 3

Wheeze patterns defined from the presence/absence (+/−) of asthma/recurrent wheeze at four follow-up stations and the numbers of cases in each wheeze pattern group for each cohort

Wheeze patternAge (years)RSV (n=46)Controls (n=92)
Never wheeze14 (3, 11)***69 (27, 42)
Transient wheeze+7 (5, 2)11 (8, 3)
Remitting/intermittent+7 (4, 3)4 (2, 2)
Late onset++4 (1, 3)7 (3, 4)
Persistent/relapsing++++14 (7, 7)***1 (1, 0)
  • Male, female distribution shown in parentheses.

  • Statistical evaluation refers to comparison of proportion of subjects in the different wheeze pattern groups in the RSV and control cohorts: ***p<0.001.

  • RSV, respiratory syncytial virus.