Table 1

Study group characteristics

Index casesIndex controls
HIV positiveHIV negativep Value*HIV positiveHIV negativep Value*p Value†
n99 (77%)3029 (19%)120<0.001
Number male (%)95 (96%)29 (97%)1.0025 (90%)110 (92%)0.48<0.001
Age in years, median (range)40 (24–57)37 (22–58)0.1646 (23–61)37 (19, 65)0.030.80
Contacts of index casesContacts of index controls
HIV positiveHIV negative‡p Value*HIV positiveHIV negative‡p Value*p Value§
n55 (25%)16718 (10%)158<0.001
Number male (%)4 (7%)65 (39%)<0.0014 (22%)64 (41%)0.2<0.001
Age in years, median (range)30 (17–47)19 (10–82)<0.00130 (22–48)21 (10–77)<0.0010.95
HIV status of index case
Smear status of index cases¶
Smear negative, culture negative413
Smear negative, culture positive727
Smear positive, culture positive2262
  • * p Values computed with Fisher exact test or test for trend.

  • p Value for difference between index cases and index controls.

  • Children ≤16 years old were assumed to be HIV negative. They were not tested for their HIV status.

  • § p Value for difference between contacts of index cases and contacts of index controls.

  • 47 contacts were exposed to index cases that did not have a smear or culture taken.