Table 2

Wet weight of sputum expectorated: HFCWO compared with usual ACT

Period of sputum collectionExpectorated sputum wet weight (g)
Usual ACTHFCWOMean differencep Value
Mean (SD)Median (IQR)Mean (SD)Median (IQR)
Single treatment session9.1 (7.9)7.2 (3.0–14.2)4.6 (4.1)3.4 (1.5–6.7)4.4 (3.5 to 5.4)<0.001
24 h (excluding treatment)*22.4 (26.8)12.9 (4.0–29.9)24.9 (25.8)15.3 (3.9–40.1)−1.5 (−4.6 to 1.6)0.352
24 h (including treatment)39.8 (36.3)25.5 (14.0–57.1)34.3 (30.7)26.3 (12.1–46.0)6.9 (3.1 to 10.8)<0.001
  • Data are presented as mean (SD) or (95% CI) or median (IQR) as appropriate. Data are adjusted for randomisation, day, time and position of treatment using a mixed effects linear regression model.

  • * Of 116 24-h sputum samples collected, two were discarded as they were incomplete.

  • ACT, airway clearance technique; HFCWO, high frequency chest wall oscillation.