Abstract P199 Table 1
IssueGroup discussion
The worst things about having COPDBreathlessness, unpredictable day to day variation in symptoms, lack of mobility, impact on daily activities/exercise, weight gain/loss, always tired, frightening/panic, embarrassing, shakes confidence, lots of other medical complains, confusion around medications
Patient priorities for COPD researchConsistency in treatment between GPs/hospital doctors, encouragement for patients to manage own condition, effective inhalers, something better than inhaler to improve survival/cure, new treatments, new treatments for COPD patients with other conditions (eg, diabetes)
Barriers to patient involvement in researchFear, lack of education
Recruitment ideasLeaflets through pharmacies for patients receiving inhalers, expert patients assisting with recruitment
Measuring benefits of treatmentThree most important potential benefits: prolonged survival, increased activity, reduction in hospital admissions