Table 1 Characteristics and initial severity of the groups with and without mortality
Characteristic30-Day mortalityp Value
n = 36 (7.9%)n = 417 (92.1%)
Age, mean (SD)79 (8)66 (17)0.0001
Gender, F/M (%)15/21 (41.7/58.3)156/261 (37.4/62.6)0.6
Long-term care facility, no (%)7 (19.4)17 (4.1)0.0001
Smoking, no (%)4 (11.1)95 (22.8)0.1
Alcohol, no (%)3 (8.3)48 (11.5)0.5
Comorbidity, no (%)
    Heart failure9 (25)67 (16.1)0.1
    Renal failure2 (5.6)23 (5.5)0.9
    Diabetes5 (13.9)86 (20.6)0.3
    Liver disease1 (2.8)11 (2.6)0.9
    COPD6 (16.7)73 (17.5)0.8
    Neurological disease21 (58.3)77 (18.5)0.0001
    Neoplasm4 (11.1)15 (3.6)0.03
PSI, no (%)0.01
    I048 (11.5)
    II073 (17.5)
    III2 (5.6)93 (22.3)
    IV14 (38.9)153 (36.7)
    V20 (55.6)50 (12)
CRB65, no (%)0.01
    01 (2.8)78 (19)
    14 (11.1)189 (46)
    214 (38.9)112 (27.3)
    313 (36.1)29 (7.1)
    44 (11.1)3 (0.7)
CURB65, no (%)
    01 (2.8)63 (15.1)0.01
    11 (2.8)140 (33.6)
    27 (19.4)123 (29.5)
    313 (36.1)66 (15.8)
    410 (27.8)23 (5.5)
    54 (11.1)2 (0.5)
ICU admission9 (25.0)42 (10.1)0.007
  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CRB65, Confusion, Respiratory rate, Blood pressure, ≥65 years of age; CURB65, Confusion, Urea nitrogen, Respiratory rate, Blood pressure, ≥65 years of age; F, female; ICU, Intensive Care Unit; M, male; PSI, Pneumonia Severity Index.