Table 1 Total and differential cells counts and cells/mg of non-squamous cells in select sputum as determined using a Neubauer haemacytometer and stained cytocentrifuged sputum cell preparations
SubjectsSelect sputum weight (mg)Ratio select/total sputum weightTotal cells (×106)Cells/mg% Viable% PMNPMN/mg% MacMac/mg% Eos% Lymph
Normal (n = 8)2266 (1255 to 3277)0.27 (0.14 to 0.39)3.96 (1.52 to 6.40)2090 (341 to 3838)72.2 (64.0 to 80.5)43.0 (31.2 to 54.8)953 (145 to 1761)52.2 (43.9 to 60.4)1062 (151 to 1973)0.09 (0 to 0.19)1.31 (0.61 to 2.00)
Asthmatic (n = 9)†2021 (1170 to 2737)0.32 (0.21 to 0.44)2.46 (0.79 to 3.52)1599 (333 to 2538)71.2 (61.9 to 78.1)30.1 (11.8 to 48.3)686 (0 to 1467)63.8 (44.5 to 82.4)783 (284 to 1101)1.22* (0.26 to 2.18)1.87 (1.08 to 2.41)
  • Values are mean (95% confidence interval). A significant difference was found only for the percentage of sputum eosinophils (p<0.001). Cell counts do not sum to 100% because data for bronchial epithelial cells are not shown.

  • *Significantly different from normal (p<0.001). †One subject with asthma could not produce sufficient sputum cells to obtain cell counts.

  • Eos, eosinophil; Lymph, lymphocyte; Mac, macrophages (including monocytes and all macrophage populations); PMN, polymorphonuclear leucocyte (neutrophil).