Table 1

Characteristics of 524 HIV-infected patients with Pneumocystis pneumonia at San Francisco General Hospital, 1997–2006

CharacteristicsNumber of cases (%)* (n = 524)
    Mean age, years41 (8)
    Male gender456 (87)
        White248 (47)
        Black153 (29)
        Other123 (23)
    History of tobacco use (n = 504)347 (69)
    History of injection drug use (n = 506)†
        Recent95 (19)
        Past90 (18)
        Never321 (63)
    Homeless (n = 508)72 (14)
Medical history
    HIV risk factor‡
        Men who have sex with men (n = 454)268 (59)
        Injection drug use (n = 506)185 (37)
        Heterosexual sex (n = 454)104 (23)
    New diagnosis of HIV (n = 522)121 (23)
    Medical co-morbidity§ (n = 524)293 (56)
    History of any opportunistic infection (n = 506)265 (52)
    History of PCP (n = 511)138 (27)
    History of cutaneous, oral or pulmonary KS (n = 524)31 (6)
    Pulmonary KS at admission (n = 172)10 (6)
    CART prior to admission (n = 516)58 (11)
    PCP prophylaxis (n = 515)75 (15)
Vital signs
    Mean temperature, °C (n = 492)38.5 (1.0)
    Mean pulse, beats/min (n = 492)107 (18)
    Mean systolic blood pressure, mm Hg (n = 491)107 (15)
    Median respiratory rate, breaths/min (n = 492)22 (20–28)
    Median room air oxygen saturation, % (n = 475)91 (87–95)
Laboratory values
    Median CD4 cell count, cells/μl (n = 515)29 (13–64)
    Median HIV viral load, log copies/ml (n = 492)12.1 (11.2–12.8)
    Median total lymphocyte count, 109/l (n = 504)0.7 (0.4–1.1)
    Mean haematocrit, % (n = 522)34.8 (5.4)
    Mean sodium, mmol/l (n = 519)136 (4)
    Median BUN, mg/dl (n = 512)13 (10–17)
    Median creatinine, mg/dl (n = 519)0.9 (0.8–1.0)
    Median INR (n = 268)1.1 (1.0–1.3)
    Median total bilirubin, mg/dl (n = 470)0.6 (0.4–0.8)
    Mean albumin, g/dl (n = 464)3.1 (0.6)
    Median A–a O2 gradient, mm Hg (n = 431)47 (33–61)
    Median LDH, U/l (n = 477)358 (270–503)
  • *Values are shown as number (%) unless otherwise stated; means are presented with the SD, medians with the IQR.

  • †Recent injection drug use is defined as drug use during the 6 months before admission; past injection drug use is defined as last drug use >6 months before admission.

  • ‡Total n (%) exceeds 524 (100%) because of 92 patients with multiple HIV risk factors.

  • §Medical co-morbidity is defined as having a history of opportunistic infection, renal failure (creatinine >1.2 mg/dl) or hepatic insufficiency (INR⩾1.2).

  • A–a O2 gradient, alveolar–arterial oxygen gradient; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CART, combination antiretroviral therapy; INR, international normalised ratio; KS, Kaposi sarcoma; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; PCP, Pneumocystis pneumonia.