Table 1 Characteristics of patients, pulmonary function tests and radiographic findings
UIP(n = 19)fNSIP(n = 13)cNSIP/OP(n = 8, 6 cNSIP, 2 OP)p Value (UIP vs fNSIP)p Value (UIP vs cNSIP/OP)p Value (fNSIP vs cNSIP/OP)
Age (years)62.4 (7.3)58.6 (9.8)57.1 (10.7)0.7520.6150.996
Percentage of smokers (number of current:ex:never)63.2% (4:8:7)30.8% (2:2:9)50% (2:2:4)
OnsetInsidious 18 cases; recurrent 1 caseInsidious 8 cases; recurrent 5 casesInsidious 1 case, recurrent 7 cases
Outcome10 cases died1 case diedAll cases survived
VC (%)77.5 (25.6)75.9 (18.0)91.1 (27.8)0.9980.5130.473
TLC (%)69.6 (20.0)85.4 (18.7)98.9 (20.0)0.1960.0310.603
Pao2 (kPa)10.8 (1.2)10.2 (1.6)9.1 (1.2)0.6720.0390.362
A–aDo2 (kPa)2.51 (1.75)2.56 (1.20)4.35 (1.69)0.9990.0490.111
Fibrosis score2.19 (0.71)2.21 (0.82)1.29 (0.32)0.9970.0110.015
Ground glass score1.92 (0.75)2.49 (0.71)2.89 (0.98)0.1330.0160.515
  • Data are shown as mean (SD).

  • A–aDo2, alveolar-arterial oxygen difference; NSIP, non-specific interstitial pneumonia; cNSIP, cellular NSIP; fNSIP, fibrotic NSIP; OP, organising pneumonia; Pao2, arterial oxygen tension; TLC, total lung capacity; UIP, usual interstitial pneumonia; VC, vital capacity.