Table 1

Definitions of severity based on self-reported symptoms and recommended minimum preventer therapy

SeverityFrequency of self-reported symptoms*Minimum adequate preventer medication
Asymptomatic asthmaNo symptoms last year but on asthma medicationNone
Intermittent asthmaSymptoms in the last year but not in the last month, ⩽3 flare-ups in the last yearNone†
Mild persistent asthmaSymptoms in the last month but less than weekly, ⩾4 flare-ups in the last year but less than monthlyICS alone low dose (200 μg BDP/160 μg CIC/200 μg FP/400 μg BUD) daily
Moderate persistent asthmaSymptoms more than once weekly but not daily, flare-ups more than monthly in the last yearICS (200 μg BDP/400 μg BDP/160–320 μg CIC/200–400 μg FP/400–800 μg BUD) plus LABA daily
Severe persistent asthmaSymptoms daily and flare-ups more than weekly in the last yearHigh dose of ICS (>400 μg BDP/>320 μg CIC/>400 μg FP/>800 μg BUD) daily
  • BDP, beclomethasone dipropionate HFA aerosol; BUD, budesonide; CIC, ciclesonide; FP, fluticasone propionate; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; LABA, long-acting β2 agonist.

  • *Self-reported symptoms of (1) morning, (2) daytime, (3) night-time symptoms and (4) number of flare-ups.

  • †Participants with intermittent asthma who were on preventer medication were categorised as “adequate preventer medication users” since, according to the NAC guidelines, they did not require being on preventer therapy.