Table 1 Comparison of published actuarial survival figures for lung transplantation in cystic fibrosis recipients from selected case series
NewcastleNewcastle (excl. BCC)Egan17Burton5Quattrucci9Hadjiliadis16 (sens)Hadjiliadis 16 (PanR)
1 y8285 (134)8189799688
3 y7072 (97)NR80709163
5 y6262 (63)5980588558
8 y5656 (33)NR70NRNRNR
10 y5153 (19)38NRNRNRNR
  • Newcastle survival data at 1 year (1 y). Newcastle (excluding BCC) represents our transplantation results for CF excluding those with pretransplantation Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC) infection (includes bilateral sequential single lung transplants and other operative interventions). The actual number of patients surviving at each time point is noted in italics. Data reported elsewhere include Egan and colleagues,17 Burton and colleagues5 and Quattrucci and colleagues.9 Hadjiliadis et al represents survival outcomes in cystic fibrosis recipients with sensitive organisms (sens) and panresistant organisms (PanR).16

  • n, recipient numbers, NR, not recorded.