Table 2

 Pearson correlation coefficients (r) of baseline variables with airway hyperresponsiveness (dose response ratio, DRR) for the asthmatic group as a whole and for the treatment subgroup before and after treatment

Baseline asthma group(n = 40)Baseline treatment subgroup(n = 18)Post-treatment treatment subgroup(n = 18)
rp Valuerp Valuerp Value
FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FeNO, fraction of nitric oxide in exhaled breath; FVC, forced vital capacity; LCI, lung clearance index; Scond, ventilation heterogeneity in conducting airways; Sacin, ventilation heterogeneity in acinar lung zone
Airway inflammation (FENO)0.62<0.0010.510.030.610.008
Ventilation heterogeneity (Scond)0.63<0.0010.640.0040.82<0.001
Ventilation heterogeneity (Sacin)0.070.670.040.86−0.020.93
Ventilation heterogeneity (LCI)0.380.020.310.210.470.05
FEV1 % predicted−0.440.005−0.400.10−0.370.13
FEV1/FVC ratio−0.470.002−0.340.17−0.210.41