Table 2

 Summary of the 12 studies included in the review of clinical effectiveness

No.StudyParticipantsScreen intervalNumber screenedPositive screen(% of screened)Biopsy (% of screened; % screened positive)†Total lung cancer (% of screened; % screened positive); NNS‡Number of NSCLCStage 1 for NSCLC (% of NSCLC) NNS§Resectable lesion (% of NSCLC)Outcomes¶
BL, baseline screening; FU, follow-up; NNS, number needed to screen; NR, not reported; NSCLC, non-small-cell lung cancer; pkyr, pack years; SCLC, small-cell lung cancer.
INC refers to “incidence scans”—that is, each participant has had at least one previous scan so risk is percentage of the total “incidence scans”.
*RCT comparing computed tomography to chest x ray. Chest x ray arm reported in table but not included in any of the further analysis of the trials as chest x ray not being considered by this review.
†Biopsy recommended (not necessarily conducted and some under go biopsy against advice—these are not included.
‡Number needed to screen to identify one lung cancer. §Number needed to screen to identify one stage I lung cancer.
¶No mortality rates reported. Some studies did report deaths but insufficient denominator data; others only reported deaths among those with lung cancer.
1Gohagan et al, 2004, USA* Main ref:22 Other ref: NA55–74 year, 30 pkyr, quit <10 yearsingle CT v CXRCT: 1586 CXR: 1550CT: 325 (20.5%) CXR: 152 (9.8%)CT: 53 (3%; 16%) CXR: 15CT: 30 (1.9%; 9.2%) CXR: 7 NNS  = 53CT: 29 CXR: 7CT: 16 (53%) CXR: 6 NNS  = 99NRNR
2Garg 2002– USA Main ref:21 Other ref: NA50–80 year, Atypical sputum cytology + COPD, or 30 pkyrsingle CT v no screeningCT: 92 none: 98CT: 30 (33%)2 (2 reported but 3 cancers, one not discussed in text)CT: 3 (3.2%; 10%) NNS = 31CT: 2NRNRNR
STUDIES WITHOUT COMPARATOR GROUPS (All participants screened with CT)
3ELCAP 2001– USA Main ref:17 Other ref:23–26+ 60 year, 10 pkyr smokingannualBaseline: 1000 Yr1: 841 Yr2: 343 (Incidence screens: 1184)Baseline: 233 (23.3%) Incidence: 40 (3.4%)Baseline 30 (3%; 13%) Incidence: 8 (0.7%; 20%)Baseline: 27 (2.7%; 11.6%) Incidence: 7 (0.6%; 17.5%) Interval: 2 NNS = 37 (BL); 169 (INC)Baseline 26 Incidence: 6 Interval: 1Baseline: 23 (88%) Incidence: 5 (71%)Baseline: 27 (100%) Incidence: 6 (100%) NNS = 37 (BL); 197 (INC)Baseline All with cancer alive at mean 2.5 year 5 died of other causes
4Kaneko (Sobue) 2002– Japan Main ref:27 Other ref:28,29+40 year, 20 pkyr smokingtwice per yearBaseline: 1611 Incidence: 7891 (>5 years)Baseline: 186 (11.5%) Incidence: 721 (9.1%)Baseline: 21 (1.3%; 11.3%) Incidence: 35 (0.4%; 4.9%)Baseline: 13 (0.8%; 7.0%) Incidence: 19 (0.2%; 2.6%) NNS = 115 (BL); 420 (INC)Baseline: 13 Incidence: 18Baseline: 10 (77%) Incidence: 15 (83%)Baseline: 12 (92%) Incidence: 17 (89%) NNS = 134(BL); 464 (INC)Baseline: 76.2% 5-year survival Incidence: 64.9% 5-year survival
5Diederich 2004– Germany Main ref:30 Other ref:31+40 year, 20 pkyr smokingAnnualBaseline: 817 Year 1: 668 Year 2: 549Year 3: 366 Year 4: 128 Year 5: 24 (incidence 1735)Baseline: 350 (43%) Incidence: 89 (5.1%)Baseline 13 (1.6%; 3.7%) Incidence 5 (0.3%; 6%)Baseline: 17 (2.1%; 4.9%) Incidence: 3 (0.2%; 3.4%) Interval 5 NNS = 48 (BL); 578 (INC)Baseline 16 Incidence 3 Interval: 3Baseline: 9 (56%) Incidence: 1 (33%)Baseline: 16 (100%) Incidence: 3 (100%) NNS = 51(BL); 578 (INC)Baseline 4 Lung cancer deaths 1 sudden death (at mean 27mth follow-up) Incidence: 2 lung cancer deaths
6Sone 2001– Japan Main ref:32 Other ref:33–36+40 year, smokers and non-smokers (was a comparator group but not reported further)annualBaseline: 5483 Year 1 4425 Year 2 3878 (incidence 8303)Baseline: 279 (5.1%) Incidence: 309 (3.7%)Baseline: 29 (0.5%; 10%) Incidence 43 (0.5%; 14%)Baseline: 22 (0.4%; 7.9%) Incidence: 34 (0.4%; 11%) Interval: 4 NNS = 249 (BL); 755 (INC)Baseline: 22 Incidence NRBaseline: 22 (100%) Incidence: NRBaseline: 22 (100%) Incidence: 34 (100%) NNS = 249(BL); 755 (INC)2 Lung cancer deaths 3 died other cause 51 disease free (1.2–3.7 year FU)
7Swensen 2003- USA Main ref:37 Other ref:38–40+50 year, 20 pkyr, quit <10 yearannualBaseline: 1520 Year 1 1478 Year 2 1438 (incidence 2916)Baseline: 782 (51%) Incidence: 336 (11.5%)NR 8 resections of benign diseaseBaseline: 26 (1.7%; 3.3%) Incidence: 9 (0.3%; 2.7%) Interval: 2 + 2 by sputum only NNS = 58 (BL); 324 (INC)Baseline 24 Incidence: 9 Interval: 1Baseline: 18 (69%) Incidence: 6 (63%)31 of 40 tumours resected No surgical deathsDeaths in 3 years: 2 SCLC 3 NSCLC 4 heart disease 2 infection 5 Cancer other 1 Suicide 2 Unknown
8Pastorino 2003 - Italy Main ref:41 Other ref: NA+50 year, 20 pkyrannualBaseline: 1035 Incidence: 996Baseline: 61 (5.9%) Incidence: 34 (3.4%)Baseline: 11 (1.1%; 18%) Incidence: 11 (1%; 33%) 6 benign lesions resectedBaseline: 11 (1.1%; 18%) Incidence: 11 (1.1%; 32%) Interval: 0 NNS = 94 (BL); 91 (INC)Baseline: 11 Incidence: 11Baseline: 6 (55%) Incidence: 11 (100%)Baseline: 10 (91%) Incidence: 11 (100%) NNS = 104(BL); 91 (INC)Lung Cancer: 1 dead 3 recurrence 18 alive (at mean 2.5 year) No Lung cancer: 7 deaths (3 vascular)
9Nawa 2002– Japan Main ref:42 Other ref:+50 year, smokers and non-smokers, employee health insurance groupannualBaseline: 7956 Incidence: 5568Baseline: 541 (6.8%) Incidence: 148 (2.7%)Further investigation: Baseline: 64 (0.8%; 11.8%) Incidence: 7 (0.1%; 4.7%)Baseline: 36 (0.45%; 6.7%) Incidence: 4 (0.07%; 2.7%) NNS = 221 (BL); 1392 (INC)Baseline: 35 Incidence: 4Baseline: 31 (86%) Incidence: 4 (100%)NR4 other cancers identified
10MacRedmond 2004– Ireland Main ref:43 Other ref: NA+50 year, 10 pkyr, still smoking at 45 yearannualBaseline: 449Baseline: 109 (24%)Baseline 9 (2%; 8%)Baseline: 2 (0.4%; 1.8%) NNS = 225 (BL);Baseline: 1Baseline: NRBaseline: 1 (100%) NNS  = 449(BL)Incidental findings: 61.5% 1 death from pancreatic cancer
11Huuskonen 2002– Finland Main ref:44 Other ref:45<75 year, smoked 10 year, asbestos-related occupational diseasesingle scanBaseline: 602Baseline: 111 (18.4%)Baseline 30 (5%; 27%)Baseline: 5 (0.8%; 4.5%) (1 missed on biopsy- diagnosed at 12mth FU) NNS = 120 (BL);Baseline: 5Baseline: 0Baseline: 1 (20%) NNS = 602(BL);5 died within 21 months; 1 surviving FU not stated Incidental: 1 peritoneal mesothelioma
12Miller 2004– USA Main ref:46 Other ref: NANuclear fuel workers18 monthlyBaseline: 3598Baseline: 1139 (32%)NRBaseline: 22 (0.61%; 1.9%) One “incidence” tumour reported but no mention of incidence scans NNS = 163 (BL);Baseline: 21Not available for allToo poorly reportedNR