Table 2

 Baseline characteristics of asymptomatic subjects classified according to level of airway responsiveness (PC20) at start of study

PC20 ⩽8 mg/ml(n = 38)PC20 >8 mg/ml(n = 390)
Results are presented as number (%) unless otherwise stated.
PC20, concentration of methacholine provoking a 20% fall in FEV1; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC, forced vital capacity.
*Skin reaction to two or more common aeroallergens.
†Urticaria, eczema or hay fever.
Mean (SD) age (years)20.2 (4.1)21.9 (7.2)
Smoking4 (10.5)34 (8.7)
Atopy*18 (47.4)129 (33.1)
Atopic diathesis†12 (31.6)68 (17.4)
Self-reported rhinitis
    Non-specific20 (52.6)152 (39.0)
    To animals13 (34.2)83 (21.3)
    To pollen13 (34.2)70 (17.9)
Ownership of pet at any time35 (92.1)358 (91.8)
Family history of asthma10 (26.3)69 (17.7)
    Mean (SD) FEV1 (% predicted)97.3 (8.3)104.8 (11.7)
    FEV1 ⩽80% predicted08 (2.0)
    Mean (SD) FEV1/FVC86.5 (5.4)87.6 (5.1)