Table 1

 Summary of reported cases of primary pulmonary T cell lymphoma since 1990

ReferenceAgeSexPresentationRadiographic findingsDiagnostic interventionTreatment and outcome
*At the time the report was published.
F, female; M, male; LLL, left lower lobe; RML, right middle lobe; RLL, right lower lobe; COP, cryptogenic organising pneumonia; OLB, open lung biopsy; CXR, chest x ray; CNS, central nervous system
Asano375FDyspnoeaMultiple nodules, hilar adenopathyCervical lymph node biopsyChemotherapy with complete remission, alive*
Maehara1170FProductive cough, feverL pleural effusion, LLL massEndobronchial biopsyChemotherapy, alive*
Boon463MFeverCOP-likeOLBChemotherapy, died
Fujihara669FAbnormal CXRLLL noduleLobectomyLobectomy, alive*
Hanada742MAbnormal CXRMultiple lung nodulesOLBChemotherapy, alive*
Maejima1229MDyspnoeaMultiple lung nodulesOLBChemotherapy, CNS relapse and died
Sasaki1365FAbnormal CXRRML, RLL infiltratesRML and RLL lobectomyLobectomy with residual disease, alive*
Hanawa852MRecurrent infiltratesCOP-likeOLBSystemic corticosteroid, alive*
Karakus948FCough, dyspnoeaMultiple lung nodulesOLBChemotherapy with partial remission, alive*
Kawashima1074FCough, haemoptysisRLL massLobectomyLobectomy and chemotherapy, died
DeTorres568FFever, weight lossMultiple lung nodulesOLBChemotherapy, died