Table 1

 Demographic data, risk factors, medical co-morbidity, performance status, source of referral, and mode of presentation of all lung cancer patients diagnosed in the year 2000 in Teesside and Varese

Teesside(n = 268)Varese(n = 243)p value
*Occupations and industries known or suspected to be associated with lung cancer.13 †Not available: 11 patients. ‡Not available: 43 patients. §Not available: 82 patients. ¶Not available: 83 patients. **Not available: 17 patients. ††Not available: 119 patients. ‡‡Not available: 4 patients. §§Not available: 5 patients. ¶¶Not available: 128 patients. ***Not available: 142 patients. †††Not available: 15 patients. ‡‡‡Not available: 20 patients. §§§Pack years in smokers and former smokers. ¶¶¶Mann-Whitney U test.
Mean (SD) age (years)69 (10)67 (10)0.032
M/F (ratio)153/115 (1.33)200/43 (4.65)<0.001
Risk factors
    Smoker (%)142/257 (55%)†111/243 (46%)<0.001
    Former smoker (%)105/257 (41%)†99/243 (41%)
    Never smoker (%)10/257 (4%)†33/243 (13%)
    Median pack years§§§45.5‡45.0§0.659¶¶¶
    Occupational risk (%)*93/185 (50%)¶69/226 (31%)**<0.001
    Family history of lung cancer20/149 (13%)††37/239 (15%)‡‡0.578
No of patients with co-morbidity (%)193/263 (73%)§§156/243 (64%)0.026
Performance status 0–138%62%<0.001
Performance status 2–462%38%
FEV1 (% predicted)63% (22)¶¶78% (23)***<0.001
Source of referral to lung cancer specialist
    GP, urgent/emergency64%61%0.502
    GP, routine20%14%0.108
    Other consultant16%23%0.076
    Chest radiography screening0%2%0.018
Mode of presentation
    Asymptomatic diagnosis by chest radiography17/253 (7%)†††47/223 (21%)‡‡‡
    Diagnosis by symptoms236/253 (93%)†††176/223 (79%)‡‡‡