Table 4

 Characteristics and overnight oximetry results from two study populations: men in primary care (Bicester, Oxfordshire, 1999)10 and current diabetes study

Bicester study RM50(N = 275)Diabetes study Pulsox-3i(N = 240)p value
BMI, body mass index; ESS, Epworth sleepiness score; OSA, obstructive sleep apnoea.
Results are shown as mean (SD, 0–100% range).
Age51.2 (8.2, 33–72)61.7 (9.9, 33–75)<0.001
BMI27.2 (3.7, 19.4–40.1)28.8 (4.9,19.2–47.8)<0.001
Neck size39.7 (2.8, 31–47)42.2 (3.0, 34.3–53.3)0.002
ESS6.7 (3.8, 0–17)8.0 (4.5, 0–21)<0.001
4% Sao2 dips/hour0.54 (6.1, 0–38)6.8 (10.1, 0–70.7)<0.001
Mean overnight Sao296.0 (1.2, 91–98)94.4 (2.5, 76.5–97.6)<0.001
Min overnight Sao289.2 (5.7, 55–96)81.9 (10.8, 25–94)<0.001
No with OSA (more than 10>4% Sao2 dips/hour)16 (5.8%)40 (17%)<0.001