Table 1

 Demographic data and co-morbid medical conditions of study participants that had been treated before inclusion in the study

ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; PNDS, postnasal drip syndrome; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC, forced vital capacity; AHR, airway hyperresponsiveness.
*Previous asthma treatment included inhaled corticosteroid and long acting bronchodilator.
†Previous reflux treatment was proton pump inhibitors.
‡Previous PNDS treatment included topical nasal steroids and ingested antihistamines.
§Airway hyperresponsiveness to hypertonic (4.5%) saline.
Mean (SD) age (years)59.4 (13.6)
Sex (M/F)64/23
Asthma*18 (20.7%)
Reflux†41 (47%)
ACE inhibitors10 (11.5%)
Allergies52 (59.8%)
PNDS‡44 (50.6%)
Smoking2 (2.3%)
Mean (SD) FEV1 (% predicted)95 (20)
Mean (SD) FVC (% predicted)100 (21)
Mean (SD) FEV1/FVC78 (8)
AHR§8 (9%)