Table 3

 Mean differences in clinical and lung function parameters in the fluticasone/salmeterol (FP/S) group compared with the fluticasone (FP) group over the 1 year treatment period

Mean difference FP/S − FPp value
Values are expressed as *mean or †geometric mean (SE).
PEF, peak expiratory flow; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; PC20histamine, concentration of histamine provoking a fall in FEV1 of at least 20%.
PEF morning (l/min)*29 (9)<0.001
PEF evening (l/min)*36 (9)<0.001
Symptom score morning (scale 0–4)*−0.1 (0.1)0.02
Symptom score evening (scale 0–5)*−0.2 (0.1)0.01
Short acting β2 agonist usage(puffs/day)*−0.9 (0.3)<0.001
FEV1 (% predicted)*2.7 (1.5)0.07
PC20histamine (doubling doses)†0.7 (0.3)0.02