Table 1

 Characteristics of patients at baseline

Placebo(n = 12)Fluticasone(n = 18)Montelukast(n = 19)p value
Data are expressed as mean (SD).
BD, bronchodilator; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; SVC, vital capacity
Atopic means one or more positive allergy skin prick test, n indicates the number of atopic subjects.
*Symptoms score ranged from 5 (very great deal of discomfort or distress) to 35 (no discomfort or distress); see Methods.
FEV1 predicted values from Crapo et al28 and are pre-bronchodilator.
**Geometric mean (geometric SD).
Age (years)38.8 (12.2)35.4 (13.9)31.4 (9.9)0.3
Sex (no male)4880.8
Smoking (current/ex)2/00/53/20.6
Atopic (n)1016160.9
Symptoms score*22.5 (4.5)23.2 (6.4)25.6 (5.5)0.3
Salbutamol (puffs/day)2.6 (1.9)3.3 (2.6)3.3 (3.1)0.8
Pre BD FEV1 (% pred)80.3 (22.5)72.0 (16.0)76.7 (15.9)0.4
Pre BD FEV1/SVC (%)67.1 (15.2)67.1 (12.2)67.9 (9.2)1.0
Change in FEV1 after BD (%)20.2 (15.9)18.1 (15.6)18.5 (9.6)0.9
Sputum eosinophils (%)**15.4 (2.4)11.9 (2.3)10.7 (2.3)0.1