Table 1

 Unit costs of major resources

ResourceUnit costSource
CV, cisplatin + vindesine; MIC, mitomycin, ifosfamide + cisplatin; MVP, mitomycin, vinblastine + cisplatin; NP, vinorelbine + cisplatin.
Source codes: A, English Trust Financial Returns 1999/2000, CIPFA; B, British National Formulary, Number 40, September 2000; C, day case episode cost less £50 (estimated day case “hotel costs”), 2000 NHS reference costs; D, 1997/98 Extra-Contractual Referral (ECR) tariff inflated to 1999/2000 pounds using the Heatlh Service Cost Index; E, mean value of responses from trusts surveyed (n = 6) with highest and lowest value trimmed; F, cost of PTCA from 2000 reference costs plus average price of stent, HTA Report; G, English Trust Financial Returns 1999/2000, CIPFA reduced to 32% to adjust for national average contribution of NHS to hospice revenue; H, Unit Costs of Health and Social Care, 2000, PSSRU, University of Kent at Canterbury.
Hospitalisations (per bed day)
Chemotherapy drugs (per mg)
    Navelbine (vinorelbine)£2.94B
Administration (per cycle)£86A
Concomitant drugs (by regimen)
Radiotherapy (baseline costs)
    0–3 fractions£148C
    4–12 fractions£270C
    13–23 fractions£238C
Radiotherapy (alternative costs)
    0–3 fractions£244D
    4–12 fractions£402D
    13–23 fractions£653D
Outpatient attendances£86A
    Chest radiograph£21E
    Abdominal radiograph£22E
    CT scan£155E
Surgical procedures
    Minor thoracic procedure£273C
    Intermediate thoracic procedure£559C
    Mouth/throat procedure£416C
    Stomach or duodenum, diagnostic procedure£200C
    Insertion of stent£2272F
Hospice inpatient care (per bed day)£58G
Primary care
    GP contact (surgery)£20H
    GP contact (home)£37H
    GP contact (telephone)£17H
    Practice nurse contact (surgery)£7H