Table 1

 Characteristics of individual studies at the time of randomisation

StudyNo of patientsAge(years)Women(%)Current smoker (%)FEV1 (l)*FEV1 (% of predicted)*†Mortality(%)Follow up(months)Drug/dose
LHS-2, Lung Health Study 2; CCLS, Copenhagen City Lung Study; ISOLDE, Inhaled Steroids in Obstructive Disease in Europe; EUROSCOP, European Respiratory Society Study on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; TRISTAN, TRial of Inhaled STeroids ANd long acting β2 agonists; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second.
*Post-bronchodilator values.
†Values may differ slightly from the original publications because we applied Hankinson’s prediction equation to all of the “raw” FEV1 values.
Continuous variables are presented as mean (SD) and dichotomous variables as percentage of participants in each individual trial.
LHS-2111656 (7)37902.3 (0.6)67 (13)2.842 (5)Triamcinolone (1200 μg/day)
CCLS29059 (9)40762.4 (0.8)76 (18)2.830 (12)Budesonide (867 μg/day)
ISOLDE75164 (7)25481.4 (0.5)49 (14)13.734 (7)Fluticasone (1000 μg/day)
EUROSCOP127752 (8)271002.6 (0.7)73 (13)1.528 (13)Budesonide (800 μg/day)
TRISTAN73563 (9)28501.4 (0.5)46 (13)2.010 (4)Fluticasone (1000 μg/day)
Szafranski40364 (9)18301.0 (0.4)36 (12)3.59 (4)Budesonide (800 μg/day)
Calverley51364 (9)26311.2 (0.5)42 (15)2.19 (5)Budesonide (800 μg/day)
Total508559 (9)29691.9 (0.8)58 (19)4.026 (15)