Table 3

 Per protocol analysis of change in primary and secondary outcome measures over 6 weeks in the vitamin E and placebo groups

OutcomeVitamin E (n = 30)Placebo (n = 34)Difference* (95% CI)p value
FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC = forced vital capacity.
*Differences in log terms for IgE were anti-logged to give ratio of IgE values, final/baseline and vitamin E/placebo.
†Analysis by the Mann-Whitney U test with median change.
‡Analysis by χ2 test.
¶Confidence intervals not calculated for difference in medians.
Mean (SD) change in bronchial reactivity (DD)+0.38 (2.38)0.00 (1.45)+0.38 (−0.59 to +1.35)0.44
Mean (SD) change in FEV1 (ml)+26 (138)−27 (212)+53 (−38 to +143)0.25
Mean (SD) change in FVC (ml)+25 (177)−16 (313)+41 (−88 to +170)0.53
Mean (SD) change in AM peak flow (l/min)+1 (25)−3 (21)+4 (−7 to +16)0.48
Median (range) change in bronchodilator use (puffs/day)†0 (−3 to +2)0 (−8 to +5)0.65
Median (range) change in daytime symptom score0 (−1 to +1)0 (−1 to +2)0.68
Median (range) change in night time symptom score0 (−2 to +1)0 (−1 to +2.5)0.92
Mean (SD) change in IgE* ratio0.98 (1.24)0.95 (1.54)1.03 (0.87 to 1.23)0.73
Loss of atopic response‡7/30 (23%)5/34 (15%)9% (−10 to 28)0.57