Table 1

Delays (in months) in relation to clinical characteristics in patients treated for non-small cell lung cancer between 1995 and 1999 (n = 466)

Symptom to treatment delay*Hospital delay†
Median25–75% IQRMedian25–75% IQR
IQR = interquartile range.
*Time from onset of symptoms until start of treatment.
†Time from first visit to chest physician at the hospital until start of treatment (significant differences in delay if p<0.05).
‡Significant difference in hospital delay.
§Significant difference between patients with stage IV disease and those with stage I–II, IIIa and IIIb disease in a separate analysis for each group.
¶Significant difference in delay between patients with stage I–II and IIIB disease in both types of delay.
**Significant differences in both types of delay.
All patients4.63.0––2.4
    ⩽70 years4.72.5––2.1
    >70 years4.53.2––2.7
Histopathological type
    Squamous cell5.13.2––2.5
Type of treatment**