Table 1

 Mean (SD) characteristics of Mexican healthy subjects and those with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), pigeon breeders’ disease (PBD), and subjects exposed to avian antigen but without PBD (EA)

Healthy subjectsIPFPBDEAp value*
FVC = forced vital capacity; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 second; Pao2 = arterial oxygen tension; Tlco = carbon monoxide transfer factor; BAL = bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.
*IPF group v PBD group.
†Time elapsed to first visit is the time elapsed from the beginning of the symptoms to first visit.
‡Absolute ratio.
¶Normal values at Mexico City altitude are 8.9 (0.4) kPa.
Sex (F/M)78/24532/62115/071/19
Age (years)33.2 (9.8)62.1 (10.0)43.9 (13.6)35.0 (8.7)<0.001
Time elapsed to first visit (months)†29.8 (22.8)21.0 (21.5)<0.05
FVC (% predicted)61.8 (19.1)56.2 (20.3)<0.05
FEV1 (% predicted)65.6 (18.8)59.6 (19.9)NS
FEV1/FVC (%)‡93.5 (12.5)91.8 (8.8)NS
Pao2 (kPa)¶6.6 (1.5)7.1 (1.4)<0.01
Tlco(%)49.4 (12.2)51.7 (18.2)NS
% BAL macrophages77.3 (7.9)35.6 (20.2)<0.001
% BAL lymphocytes17.6 (7.0)62.2 (20.7)<0.001
% BAL neutrophils3.4 (3.7)1.4 (2.8)<0.01
% BAL eosinophils1.7 (2.1)0.8 (1.1)<0.05