Table 4

Inter-observer reproducibility for each criterion for pairs of observers and for all observers together

DesquamationMetaplasiaEpithelial inflammationEpithelial eosinophilsThickening of RBMSubmucosal inflammationSubmucosal eosinophilsConclusion
RBM = reticular basement membrane.
Observers A/B
    95% CI0.389 to 0.7330.494 to 0.9270.136 to 0.455−0.018 to 0.5510.330 to 0.7390.024 to 0.4550.030 to 0.454−0.014 to 0.404
Observers A/C
    95% CI0.019 to 0.1290.728 to 1.0130.298 to 0.6960.040 to 0.9150.042 to 0.352−0.033 to 0.2730.136 to 0.5260.161 to 0.579
Observers B/C
    95% CI−0.150 to 0.0600.504 to 0.9500 to 0.2800 to 0.6600 to 0.370−0.150 to 0.9000.170 to 0.5700 to 0.500
All together
    95% CI0 to 0.180.645 to 0.8900.11 to 0.360.240 to 0.4980.146 to 0.4110.180 to 0.4260.020 to 0.2630.16 to 0.43