Table 4

Multi-pollutant models for PM2.5, ambient NO, and room NO

PollutantEstimated change in FeNO (ppb) for an interquartile change in pollutant measure*
Model 1Model 2Model 3Model 4
*Each model includes pollutant variables for which estimates are reported, as well as the following covariates: subject ID, week of study, day of week, hour of day, and 24 hour mean temperature, pressure, and relative humidity. Significant effects (p<0.05) are shown in bold.
PM2.5 (24 hour)
    Effect 1.95 1.38 1.97
    95% CI (0.47 to 3.43) (0.26 to 2.51) (0.48 to 3.46)
    p value0.0110.0170.011
Ambient NO (24 hour)
    Effect0.54 0.73 0.43
    95% CI(−0.10 to 1.18) (0.12 to 1.34) (−0.25 to 1.10)
    p value0.0990.020.215
Indoor NO
    Effect 0.69 0.260.30
    95% CI (0.04 to 1.34) (−0.56 to 1.08)(−0.53 to 1.13)
    p value0.0380.540.48