Table 2

 Model 2 investigating the association between time from first detection of S maltophilia during the observation period and FEV1 (in litres) after adjusting for physiological confounders

Coefficient95 % CIp value
Intercept−2.547−2.755 to −2.339<0.0001
Sex (female)−0.111−0.132 to −0.090<0.0001
Height (cm)0.0340.032 to 0.036<0.0001
Age (years)−0.036−0.039 to −0.033<0.0001
Positive for S maltophilia−0.118−0.143 to −0.093<0.0001
Time from first detection of S maltophilia−0.025−0.037 to −0.0120.0001