Table 1

Respiratory muscle strength results

Tests of respiratory muscle strength Predicted value (cm H2O) Baseline (cm H2O) 6 months (cm H2O)
Sniff Poes=maximum sniff oesphageal pressure; sniff Pdi=maximum sniff trandiaphragmatic pressure; cough Pgas=maximum cough gastric pressure; TwPdi=twitch transdiagphragmatic pressure following unilateral and bilateral magnetic stimulation of the phrenic nerve.
Sniff Poes >70 20.6 29.8
Sniff Pdi >70 2.4 13.8
Cough Pgas >120 77.3 143.1
Bilateral TwPdi >20 0.0 5.0
Right TwPdi >7 0.0 0.0
Left TwPdi >8 0.0 5.0