Table 1

Demographic and major outcome variables of surveyed populations

Outcome parameterHospital (n=150)Asthma Foundation (n=366)Busselton (n=1298)
*Number of asthmatics reporting allergic responses following aspirin ingestion. †Number of asthmatics reporting at least one prior episode of aspirin induced asthma. ‡Number of asthmatics reporting at least two episodes of aspirin induced asthma. §Number of non-asthmatics reporting respiratory symptoms following aspirin ingestion.
Number of women88 (58.7%)266 (72.7%)708 (54.5%)
Mean age (range)49.0 (18–83)48.2 (18–83)40.5 (16–97)
Number of asthmatics150 (100%)366 (100%)128 (9.9%)
Aspirin/NSAID exposure121 (80%)276 (75.4%)1019 (78.5%)
Aspirin sensitivity (among asthmatics)*33 (22.0%)71 (19.4%)22 (17.2%)
Female:male ratio (aspirin sensitivity*)1.5:15.5:11.4:1
Aspirin induced asthma (among asthmatics)†17 (11.3%)48 (13.1%)14 (10.9%)
Aspirin induced asthma (≥2 episodes)‡16 (10.7%)38 (10.4%)ND
Aspirin induced asthma (among non-asthmatics)§NDND29 (2.5%)