Table 1

Clinical and bronchoalveolar lavage findings before and during a 12 week treatment course with daily subcutaneous granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary alveolar proteinosis

Before GM-CSF6 weeks GM-CSF12 weeks GM-CSF
VC = vital capacity; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 second; TLC = total lung capacity; Tlco = carbon monoxide transfer factor; Po2, Pco2 = oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions; A–ao2 = alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient; Vo2max = maximal oxygen uptake; a = distinction between foamy and ghost-like macrophages not possible because of cell damage and debris. *BAL of two lingular segments pooled. †By haemocytometer. ‡Manual count of 2 × 200 cells, Giemsa. §5000 cells counted by flow cytometry.
Lung volumes
    VC , l (% pred)1.52 (55%)2.16 (78%)2.76 (99%)
    FEV1, l (% pred)1.35 (57%)1.73 (73%)2.17 (91%)
    TLC, l (% pred)2.17 (51%)2.80 (66%)3.42 (81%)
Tlco, mmol/kPa/min (% predicted)2.3 (31%)3.4 (44%)4.9 (64%)
Blood gases at rest
    Po2 (kPa)5.78.710.7
    Pco2 (kPa)
    A–ao2 (kPa)
Peak performance (cycle ergometer)
    Vo2max, ml/kg/min (% pred)16 (48%)24 (71%)28 (86%)
    Work rate, watt (% pred)64 (65%)84 (84%)113 (114%)
    A–ao2 (kPa) at peak performance7.36.84.8
Bronchoalveolar lavage*
    Recovery (% of 500 ml)80%76%68%
    Total protein, g/l2.00.20.2
    Total cell count†, cells/μl600500400
    Macrophages‡, cells/μl (%)300 (50%)295 (59%)236 (59%)
        Small monocyte-like cells0%33%10%
        Foamy macrophagesa62%90%
        Ghost-like huge macrophagesa3%0%
    Granulocytes‡, cells/μl (%)24 (4%)15 (3%)4 (1%)
    Lymphocytes‡, cells/μl (%)276 (46%)190 (38%)160 (40%)
Anti-GM-CSF antibody titre
    Serum (μg/ml)
    BAL fluid (μg/ml)