Table 2

Respiratory and peripheral muscle function

ControlsCOPDp valueMean difference (95% CI)
Data are mean (SD). Pimaxrv and Pemaxtlc=maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures; Pthmax=maximal expiratory sustainable pressure; Tth80=expiratory endurance time; HGS=hand grip dynamometry.
Pimaxrv (cm H2O)110 (30)68 (24)<0.0142 (23 to 61)
Pimaxrv (% pred)88 (13)64 (21)<0.0524 (15 to 43)
Pemaxtlc (cm H2O)196 (42)129 (39)<0.0167 (40 to 95)
Pemaxtlc (% pred)84 (14)64 (19)<0.0120 (14 to 39)
Pthmax (cm H2O)151 (46)52 (27)<0.0199 (74 to 123)
Pthmax/Pemaxtlc (%)87 (35)44 (21)<0.0143 (17 to 53)
Tth80 (min)14.2 (7.4)9.4 (6.3)<0.014.8 (1.0 to 10.4)
Dominant HGS (lb)11.2 (2.3)8.6 (1.4)<0.052.6 (0.2 to 4.4)
Non-dominant HGS (lb)11.0 (2.8)8.9 (2.2)<0.052.1 (0.4 to 4.4)