Table 1

Infant characteristics by test occasion

First test1-150 Second test1-150 Mean (95% CI)1-151 within-subject difference between second and first test
Postnatal age (weeks)7.8 (1.4)55.9 (4.9)48.2 (47.2 to 49.2)
Body weight (kg)4.9 (0.7)9.9 (1.2)5.0 (4.8 to 5.2)
Crown–heel length (cm)57.6 (2.5)77.6 (2.7)20.0 (19.5 to 20.5)
FRCpleth (ml)112 (26)249 (42)136 (129 to 144)1-152
Rawii (kPa/l.s)4.11 (2.02)2.33 (1.30)–1.85 (–2.30 to –1.39)1-153
Rawee(kPa/l.s)4.57 (2.46)2.46 (1.35)–2.24 (–2.73 to –1.76)1-153
sGawii (/s/kPa)2.64 (1.02)2.09 (0.71)–0.51 (–0.76 to –0.27)1-153
sGawee (/s/kPa)2.41 (0.93)1.99 (0.71)–0.36 (–0.57 to –0.16)1-153
Crs (ml/kPa)65.6 (10.7)145.5 (20.9)80.4 (76.9 to 83.9)1-154
sCrs (/kPa)0.61 (0.12)0.60 (0.10)–0.01 (–0.04 to 0.02)1-160
tptef:te 0.324 (0.074)0.299 (0.079)–0.024 (–0.040 to –0.008)
Respiratory rate (bpm)46 (9)30 (4)–16 (–17 to –14)
  • FRCpleth = functional residual capacity determined plethysmographically; Raw = airway resistance measured at initial inspiration (Rawii) or end expiration (Rawee); sGaw = specific conductance measured at initial inspiration (sGawii) or end expiration (sGawee); sCrs = specific respiratory compliance; tptef:te = time to peak tidal expiratory flow as a proportion of total expiratory time.

  • 1-150 Data summarised as mean (SD).

  • 1-151 95% CI = 95% confidence interval of difference in means for 100 infants unless otherwise stated.

  • 1-152 n=99;

  • 1-153 n=86;

  • 1-154 n=92;

  • 1-160 n=91.