Table 6

Multivariate regression analysis for within subject changes over 2 years

Regression coefficient 95% CI
Change in % BMD from baseline for each 2log change in mean dose inhaled corticosteroid6-150 6-151
 L2–L4–0.82–1.43 to –0.21
 L2–L4 further adjusted for initial FEV1 –0.80–1.45 to –0.15
 Neck of femur–0.21–0.95 to 0.53
Reference group: change in % BMD at L2–L4 from baseline with each change in % predicted lung function6-151
 Mean morning PEF0.05–0.001 to 0.10
 Mean FEV1 0.03–0.03 to 0.09
  • 6-150 In patients taking inhaled corticosteroids.

  • 6-151 After allowing for treatment, country, sex, age and baseline BMD.

  • L2–L4 = 2nd to 4th lumbar spine; BMD = bone mineral density; PEF = peak expiratory flow; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in one second; 95% CI = 95% confidence intervals.