Table 3

Summary statistics for symptoms (Q score and AQLQ) by PEF, BTS guidelines treatment step, and HAD depression

Q scoreAQLQ symptom
PEFBTS stepHAD depression% ⩾4Mean (SE) score% ⩽ median of 4.9Mean (SE) score
⩽3591–2⩽ 420% (4/20)2.3 (0.4)35% (7/20)5.2 (0.2)
>447% (8/17)3.6 (0.7)77% (13/17)3.8 (0.4)
3–5⩽ 440% (2/5)3.2 (0.8)40% (2/5)5.0 (0.6)
>479% (11/14)5.3 (0.7)93% (13/14)3.1 (0.3)
>3591–2⩽ 414% (3/22)1.3 (0.4)27% (6/22)5.4 (0.3)
>46% (1/17)1.5 (0.3)53% (9/17)5.0 (0.5)
3–5⩽ 443% (3/7)3.3 (0.6)29% (2/7)5.3 (0.5)
>450% (3/6)4.3 (1.4)67% (4/6)4.0 (0.8)
  • The higher the Q score, or the lower the AQLQ score, the greater the symptoms. Also the higher the HAD depression score, the worse the depression.

  • PEF = peak expiratory flow. HAD = Hospital Anxiety and Depression score.

  • PEF is split by the overall median of 359.

  • HAD depression score is split by the overall median of 4.