Table 2

Mean (SE) effects of rehabilitation on exercise response

Variables T–1 T0 T1
Wpeak (W) 87.8  (5.7) 89.3  (5.6)109  (6.9)2-151
Peak V˙co 2(l/min)1.27 (0.1) 1.26 (0.1) 1.53 (0.1)2-151
PeakV˙o 2 (l/min)1.25 (0.1) 1.27 (0.1)1.48 (0.1)2-151
Peak V˙o 2/kg (ml/min/kg)16.1 (0.9)16.4 (0.8) 19.2 (1.0)2-151
RestV˙e (l/min)11.8 (0.7)11.8 (0.7)10.5 (0.8)
Peak V˙e (l/min)41.6 (2.7) 41.5 (2.6)46.4 (2.6)
Peak D (score)6.4 (1.2)6.0 (1.4)5.8 (1.4)
Peak F (score)6.7 (1.1) 6.4 (1.3)6.2 (1.3)
AT (ml/min/kg)11.1 (1.5) 11.3 (1.1)12.3 (0.7)
IsoV˙o 2e(l/min)40.5 (1.7)39.2 (1.8)
IsoW V˙e(l/min)40.1 (2.2)39.7 (2.6)
IsoWV˙o 2 (l/min)1.22 (0.1)1.24 (0.1)
IsoW V˙o 2/kg (ml/min/kg)15.8 (0.8)16.0 (0.8)
IsoW D (score)6.5 (1.4)4.4 (1.0)2-151
IsoW F (score)6.5 (1.1)4.2 (0.9)2-151
6MWD (m)483 (13.6) 512 (17.9)2-152
  • 2-151 Post hoc for p<0.01 (T1 v T0 and T–1);

  • 2-152 post hoc for p<0.01 (T1 v T0).

  • co 2 = carbon dioxide consumption;V˙o 2 = oxygen uptake; V˙e= minute ventilation; AT = aerobic threshold; 6MWD = 6 minutes walking capacity; D = dyspnoea on Borg scale; F = leg fatigue on Borg scale.