Table 3

Multiple regression analysis of HRCT parameters using age and pulmonary function tests in asthmatic subjects (n=45)

MLD (HU) (R2 = 0.0524) RA950 (%) (R2 = 0.611)
Predictor variable Regression coefficient 95% CI p value Regression coefficient 95% CI p value
Age (years)–0.410–0.773 to –0.0470.02790.1590.007 to 0.3100.0411
FVC (% pred)
FEV1 (% pred)0.5030.289 to 0.717<0.0001–0.272–0.361 to –0.183<0.0001
FEV1/FVC (%)
FEF25–75(% pred)
TLC (% pred)–0.366–0.673 to –0.0590.0207
FRC (% pred)0.1260.030 to 0.2210.0112
RV (% pred)
RV/TLC (%)
Tlco (% pred)
Tlco/VA (% pred)
  • R 2 = coefficient of determination.

  • Missing values indicate that independent variables were not statistically significant.

  • Abbreviations as in footnote to tables 1 and 2.