Table 1

Sequential values for blood tests and pulmonary function tests

July 22 Aug 11 Aug 20 Aug 27 Oct 7
Immunosuppressive treatmentPrednisone 60 mg/day (+ CSA, MMF)
Blood tests
 CPK (U/l)94634760
Pulmonary function tests
 FVC (l)2.06 (41)2.39 (47)3.04 (60)3.42 (68)
 FEV1(l)1.40 (35)1.81 (45)1.92 (48)2.03 (50)
 FEV1/FVC (%)68766359
 MIP (cm H2O)32 (31)49 (48)59 (58)99 (99)
 MEP (cm H2O)64.5 (42)81 (52)114 (74)145 (94)
  • CPK = creatinine phosphokinase; FVC = forced vital capacity; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in one second; MIP. MEP = maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures; CSA = cyclosporin; MMF = mycophenolate mofetil.

  • Values in parentheses are % predicted.