Table 1

Test specific detection rates1-150 for culture of ES, SI, and BAL

Organism ES SI BAL
P aeruginosa mucoid6/66/66/6
P aeruginosanon-mucoid1/43/42/4
B cepacia 1/11/11/1
S maltophilia 3/43/42/4
A xylosoxidans 1/21/20/2
H influenzae 2/31/31/3
S aureus 7/76/77/7
Aspergillus 4/65/65/6
Overall sensitivity25/33 (76%)26/33 (79%)24/33 (73%)
  • ES = expectorated sputum; SI = sputum induction; BAL = bronchoalveolar lavage.

  • 1-150 Number positive by specified test/number positive by any test.