Table 2

Results of multivariate linear regression for cytokine concentrations and diagnostic group (ARDS, severe pneumonia, controls) tested pairwise with the extent of the pulmonary infiltrate (bilateral, unilateral, none), the lung injury score, and the SAPS II score

TNF-α IL-1β IL-6
Diagnostic group + extent of pulmonary infiltrates0.394 (<0.001)2-150 (0.734)0.251 (0.029)2-150 (0.531)0.499 (0.039)0.722 (0.003)
Diagnostic group + lung injury score2-150 (0.469)0.410 (<0.001)2-150 (0.728)0.311 (0.006)2-150 2-150
Diagnostic group + SAPS II0.321 (0.005)0.235 (0.037)0.244 (0.035)2-150 (0.681)2-150(0.751)0.292 (0.011)
  • Results are presented as standardised coefficients (β) with p values in parentheses.

  • ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome; TNF-α = tumour necrosis factor α; IL = interleukin; SAPS = simplified acute physiology score.

  • 2-150 Parameter not selected in the stepwise forward linear regression model.