Table 2

Mean (SD) arterial blood gas tensions and lung function tests

Relatives Controls
Pao 2 (kPa)11.9  (1.2)11.6  (0.9)
Paco 2 (kPa)5.1 (0.5)5.3 (0.4)
O2 saturation (%)97 (1)96 (1)
pH7.39 (0.02)7.40 (0.02)
FVC (% pred)99 (11)100 (16)
FEV1 (% pred)104 (10)102 (20)
FEV1/FVC (% pred)82 (7)78 (8)
TLC (% pred)100 (15)105 (13)
RV (% pred)93 (32)110 (42)
FRC (% pred)89 (17)104 (32)
Tlco(%pred)78 (15)86 (12)
Tlco/Vt (% pred)91 (19)94 (15)
MIP (% pred)99 (32)105 (19)
MEP (% pred)59 (15)64 (15)
  • Pao 2, Paco 2 = arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions; FVC = forced vital capacity; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in one second; TLC = total lung capacity; RV = residual volume; FRC = functional residual capacity; Tlco = carbon monoxide transfer factor; Vt = tidal volume; MIP = maximum inspiratory pressure; MEP = maximum expiratory pressure.