Table 2

Multiple linear regression analyses with percentage predicted FEV1 and FEV1/FVC as dependent variables

1976–8 (n=1034) 1991–4 (n=1104)
FEV1 (% predicted)
 Smoking–2.3 (–4.3 to –0.3)–2.7 (–4.2 to –1.2)
 Asthma–2.4 (–10.4 to 5.6)–10.0 (–13.5 to –6.4)
FEV1/FVC (% predicted)
 Smoking–1.1 (–2.5 to 0.2)–1.9 (–2.8 to –1.0)
 Asthma–1.8 (–7.2 to 3.5)–7.8 (–9.9 to –5.6)
  • Figures in the table are regression coefficients in units of the dependent variable for smokers relative to non-smokers and asthmatics relative to non-asthmatics, respectively. In brackets are shown the 95 % confidence intervals of the regression coefficients.